Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I love my mom's Ice Tea

Well, we made it home safe and sound after a four day journey across 3 continents. Besides coming down the escalator in Winnipeg the highlight would have to be the hotel that Gulf Air put us up in during our 14 hour layover in Bahrain. Besides the occupied rooms that they checked us into and the unchanged beds, the hotel was probably the nicest one any of us had ever stayed in (see picture at left). Morale was high and we were living it up in the middle east. The flights were uneventful and Air Canada even went up a few notches in my mind with their helpful service. As we landed in Winnipeg I could hardly keep my eyes open, but I was overcome by an incredible sense of thankfulness to God for having His hand in every part of our adventure. I will never view missions and life the same. My previous ideas and conceptions of ministry have been transformed. Seeing God move so blatantly and so dramatically is something that I will never forget. Thank you for your constant prayers. God has used India and the experiences there to change everyone of us. I'm glad to be home drinking my mom's famous ice tea.

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