Tuesday, April 26, 2005

American Camping Association

Dave first showed this to me a few years ago, and over the past couple of days I have been giving this website some more thought and so now I publish this for the masses. Anyone that has any interest in camp ministry should give the ACC message board a look. It's a secular message board that is so chalked full of camp ideas and wisdom it gives me shivers just thinking about it. I couldn't find anything that even comes close to compare with this message board on the Canadian Camping Association website or the Christian Camping International (usa) website.

Camps right around the corner for me, and so this is naturally why the message board topic comes up. Even though I very infrequently post to this blog, it will become even less of a occasion during the next couple of months as I am busy at PVBC.

1 comment:

timc said...

Hey Stevo, your rockin' my face off man.