Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Kingdom at Work

There hasn't been a lot of access to Internet but the adventure has been pounding forward at an incredible speed.  This past week has been a whirlwind tour of seeing the kingdom of God in different settings.  We visited street kids at a special home and saw the grace and love that they crave.  We visited a Psychiatric hospital and observed many Christian workers from Germany pushing the kingdom forward as they provided work for the patients.  I sat on top of a 96 meter radio tower broadcasting the message of Jesus to a potential audience of one million people (although only around 20,000 were tuning in at that point).  We headed back into the bush and visited the Guarani tribe (the real life people that were represented in the movie "The Mission") and saw the work of the church among the grass huts.  Understanding the kingdom of God in these different settings continues to help shape our perspectives of ministry and mission.  I preached last night to a group of believers in the yard behind the church.  It wasn't anything remarkable or overly inspiring but it was special to share with our brothers and sisters.  I must keep this short because it's time for lunch.  Thanks for your constant support and encouragement!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Steve! Hope you guys are all doing fine!